On Monday 19 October 2015 at 19:27:37, sebastien.boulia...@cpu.ca wrote:

> 1445275480.152      5 ............ TCP_MISS/200 9269 GET
> http://www.cpu.qc.ca/ - FIRSTUP_PARENT/ text/html
> 1445275241.374      0 ............ TCP_DENIED/403 4106 GET
> http://cpu.qc.ca/ - HIER_NONE/- text/html 1445275242.018      0
> cache_peer cpu.qc.ca parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=cpuwebwww
> acl cpuwebacl dstdomain www.cpu.qc.ca
> http_access allow www80 cpuwebacl
> cache_peer_access cpuwebwww allow www80 cpuwebacl
> cache_peer_access cpuwebwww deny all
> Why ?
> Anyone can explain me that?

Er, look at your "acl cpuwebacl" line?


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