Thanks so much for detailed explanation, will try cisco thing and will
check if it gets working

On Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 3:34 AM, Yuri Voinov <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> every proxy admin faced with excessively smart users who want to bypass a
> proxy. If you think that this is not true in your case - it means you not
> know yet. While you suffer prince Hamlet's ethical dilemma - "To bump or
> not to bump - that is a serious matter", your smart-ass users will
> shamelessly use every possible tools and methods to step over you and wipe
> they feet on the your proxy.
> I am deeply sorry for you, but to solve this problem by means of a Squid
> is not possible. It is necessary to take into account the existence of Tor,
> VPN, URL shorteners, Google Translate (Yea, it also uses for bypassing
> proxy!), SOCKS, http/https anonymizers etc. This is not easy and not
> simple. This battle occurs every day.
> I deliberately do not mention really advanced techniques of hiding one
> type of traffic inside the other and another hacker's tools. VPN is a
> strong, but not the last tool to ignore the proxy server if it does not
> exist at all. And you can be sure your users will not miss them.
> And in the fight against shield and sword sword usually wins.
> Only a proxy in this issue is not worth little or nothing. Only trained
> administrator with experienced network administrator and two pairs bodied
> brain can more or less hinder the  life of these smart-ass users.
> This day-by-day battle is significant part of IT security, which is not
> product, but process.
> Hard luck,
>                  Yuri
> 29.04.16 22:07, Yuri Voinov пишет:
> >
> > The another option is using advanced DPI with database. Like China
> government uses.
> >
> > Squid itself can't.
> >
> > 29.04.16 16:33, Reet Vyas пишет:
> > > Hi,
> >
> >
> >
> >       > I have working trasparent squid , Some users are using proxy
> >       vpn in moziilla as addon and bypassing my squid, Please tell me
> >       how to block all <> <> vpn
> and ulrta
> >       surf, I have already blocked websites,but seems not working.
> >
> >
> >
> >       > Please let me know how to block these vpn access.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >       > squid-users mailing list
> >
> >       >
> >
> >       >
> >
> >
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