On 09/14/2016 12:56 PM, erdosain9 wrote:
> If i put 
> acl step1 at_step SslBump1 
> acl excludeSSL ssl::server_name_regex web/.whatsapp/.com 
> ssl_bump peek step1 
> ssl_bump splice excludeSSL 
> ssl_bump bump all 
> I dont get nothing about web.whatsapp.com in access.log

What kind of CONNECT requests do you get logged in this case?

> But if i change config to
> ssl_bump stare all
> ssl_bump bump all
> I get this Access.log.
> 1473879403.629   1030 TAG_NONE/200 0 CONNECT
> web.whatsapp.com:443 - HIER_DIRECT/ -

I would expect a logged CONNECT for the splicing case as well (assuming
splicing works). If Squid knows the server name (and a matching
excludeSSL implies that it does), then Squid should log it when logging
CONNECT after the spliced connections terminate.


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