On Mon, 2017-01-23 at 19:54 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> On 01/23/2017 04:28 PM, David Touzeau wrote:
> > 
> > ssl_bump peek ssl_step1
> > ssl_bump splice all
> > 
> > sslproxy_flags DONT_VERIFY_PEER
> > sslproxy_cert_error allow all
> > 
> > When connecting to mozilla.org using transparent, we receive this
> > error:
> > 
> > * About to connect() to www.mozilla.org port 443 (#0)
> > *   Trying
> > * connected
> > * Connected to www.mozilla.org ( port 443 (#0)
> > * successfully set certificate verify locations:
> > *   CAfile: none
> >   CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
> > * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
> > * error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown
> > protocol
> > * Closing connection #0
> > curl: (35) error:140770FC:SSL
> > routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown
> > protocol
> > 
> > 
> > And squid access.log
> > 
> > 1485110919.564      3 TAG_NONE/403 6263 CONNECT
> > - HIER_NONE/- text/html
> Amos, please note that the above failing test is done using curl, not
> some fancy/non-HTTP/websocket traffic from a "browser".
> David, you need to figure out why Squid is denying the intercepted
> connection attempt (the /403 part in your access.log). Check your
> http_access rules to start with. They were applied to the denied fake
> CONNECT request shown above.
> AFAICT, Squid denies the [fake] CONNECT without bumping the client
> connection to serve a secure error message. That is _not_ what I
> would
> expect because usually Squid bumps to serve errors, even when dealing
> with non-bumping ssl_bump rules. However, I may be misinterpreting
> the
> "unknown protocol" part; perhaps OpenSSL can use that phrase for an
> unsupported TLS version as well? Or perhaps Squid failed to bump the
> client for some reason?
> Capture packets to see what Squid is sending to curl.
> HTH,
> Alex.
Seems like pretty standard stuff:
Jan 23 20:09:04 (squid): - - [23/Jan/2017:20:09:04 -0700]
"CONNECT HTTP/1.1" www.mozilla.org - 200 916167
TLSv12  TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256   secp256r1
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