On Friday 14 April 2017 at 13:52:08, Olly Lennox wrote:

> I've tried building it and it seems to have make install -ed correctly but
> I'm getting "command not found" when I try to execute squid3.

Well, what command are you trying to run (the one which is "not found")?

And what do you from "whereis squid"?

If that second command shows nothing, what do you get from:
"find / -type f -name squid"?


>       From: Rafael Akchurin <rafael.akchu...@diladele.com>
>  To: "squid-users@lists.squid-cache.org"
> <squid-users@lists.squid-cache.org> Sent: Friday, 14 April 2017, 12:40
>  Subject: Re: [squid-users] HTTPS woes
> >>> Then my config in Squid is like this, the dhparams file I generated as 
> >>> per 
instructions in the squid wiki:
> >> First of all: what's Squid's version?
> > 
> > And secondly; are you sufficiently capable with Debian to (cross-)build
> > your own Squid package that can run on Raspian? The Debian squid/squid3
> > packages do not have TLS/SSL/HTTPS support. So you will be building your
> > own to get the bumping features.
> When you decide to recompile on Raspbian, please be sure to take a look at
> https://docs.diladele.com/administrator_guide_5_0/install/rpi/squid.html -
> it describes one way of doing this  *on* RPI (without cross compiling).
> But it is slooowwww. _______________________________________________
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