On 23/04/17 04:32, chiasa.men wrote:
Hello folks

I tried to encrypt the connection between client and squid. Therefore I
generated certificates which are accepted by the clients and configured squid
as followed:

   https_port cert=/cert.pem key=/cert.key
   http_access allow all

My following tests show that I can use the http port for internet access but
the https port wont work.
   openssl s_client -connect proxy:8443
   # Verify return code: 0 (ok)

   export https_proxy="proxy:8443"
   export http_proxy="proxy:8080"
   curl https://www.google.de
   # curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
   curl http://www.google.de
   # works
export https_proxy="proxy:8443"
   export http_proxy="$https_proxy"
   curl https://www.google.de
   # curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
   curl http://www.google.de
   # curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
export http_proxy="proxy:8080"
   export https_proxy="$http_proxy"
   curl https://www.google.de
   # works
   curl http://www.google.de
   # works

What did I wrong? Do I misunderstand something regarding the configuration

You appear not to be using curl correctly.

Test #1 and #3 show that curl is probably sending the https:// requests through port 8080 on your proxy as a CONNECT request. Check that in your Squid log to confirm.

Test #2 is misconfigured. port 8443 on your proxy is not able to accept plain-text traffic.

AFAIK the "https_proxy" environment variable is a custom things invented by Google in part of their insistence not to allow users to configure TLS to a proxy via the Chrome GUI. It is not part of the normal POSIX environment like http_proxy is. So you cannot rely on non-Browser tools like curl supporting it.


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