From: Amos Jeffries <squ...@treenet.co.nz>
>> I'd like to allow by default and deny only according to the ACLs I define.

>> Here's an example with Telegram. I'd like to deny all 
>> application/octet-stream mime types in requests 

>> and replies except for a set of IP addresses or domains.>
> Er, deny is the opposite of allow. So your "example" is to demonstrate 
> the _opposite_ of what you want?

> Not to mention that what you want is the opposite of a well-known 

> Security Best-Practice. Well, your call, but when things go terribly 
> wrong don't say you weren't warned.

My sentence was misleading, I suppose.
My squid.conf has the following structure (which I believe is close to the 
default for a caching http proxy):

ACL definitions

http_access deny ...
http_reply_access deny ...

http_access deny intercepted !localnet

http_access allow localnethttp_access deny all

Is there anything wrong with this?

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