On Thursday 03 August 2017 at 20:25:59, ♥ NiNJA ♂ wrote:

> Hi friends
> I have a server with Dual Xeon cpu , 64GB ram , [2] 256GB SSD and [4] 2TB

Er, congratulations.

> Is there anyway to config Squid to store objects in different
> cache_dir based on object types ?
> For example storing video files (mp4 , mkv ...) into first hard disk
> Storing windows update files into second hard disk
> Storing js , css , html files into third hard disk
> And etc ...

I have no idea how you might achieve this (maybe others have) but... why do 
you want to do this?

What is the benefit?


"In fact I wanted to be John Cleese and it took me some time to realise that 
the job was already taken."

 - Douglas Adams

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