hi amos 

i didnt use the version 3.5.22

 but long time I’m using the 3.5.22 and its fine 

the new thing is I’m using like 100 squid instances .

and  hourly i have cron to change and update squid 

so i just make rec option instead of having session drop .

i don’t have exact mount of statistics to tell you 

but say i have 32 G ram 

if i run 100 squid instances it take about 16 G ram .

if i keep run the cron hourly by time say daily 12 times ( every 2 hours) 

and after 1 week i go to server to see free ram using :

free -m command

i see the free ram be like 5 G free , while I’m supposed to see the free as 16 G

if i kill all instances and run it again 
the free is 16 G

so as i said , by time , by doing many -k rec OPTINOS , there is something not 
ok either os or squid I’m not sure .

is there any tuning can i do in squid ?

or os ? I’m using centos 6 64 bits and may be option in sysctl to play with ?

here is my config file :
dns_v4_first off
include /root/X3/aclhalf${service_name}.conf
include /root/X3/tcphalf${service_name}.conf 
pid_filename /var/run/squid${service_name}.pid
cache_log /var/log/squid/${service_name}-cache.log
access_log  /var/log/squid/${service_name}-access.log
visible_hostname xyz
# Lockdown Procedures
auth_param basic program /lib/squid/basic_ncsa_auth /etc/squid/squid_userX3
acl ncsa_users proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access allow ncsa_users
# Recommended minimum configuration:

# Example rule allowing access from your local networks.
# Adapt to list your (internal) IP networks from where browsing
# should be allowed
# Add any of your own refresh_pattern entries above these.
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid

> On Feb 17, 2018, at 11:38 AM, Amos Jeffries <squ...@treenet.co.nz> wrote:
>> 3.5.22

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