On Friday 05 October 2018 at 17:57:39, Cherukuri, Naresh wrote:

> Hello Squid Group,
> I am using squid 3.5.20 as a proxy server.

On what Operating System?

> I Increased the memory from 12 GB to 32 GB

You mean you put more memory into the server, or you re-configured something in 
software (if so, what)?

> and Max file descriptors from "4096" to "8192"

How did you do that?

What does "ulimit -a" tell yoou?

> and deployed this server into production on 09/26/2018".
> I don't have any problem from the past 10 days everything working as
> expected till today.

How many users do you have, what sort of number of connections per 
second/minute/hour (whatever is convenient for you to express) do you have 
going through this machine?

> Now after 10 days for the first time, I got following errors on cache log
> today. Can someone advise/suggest any ideas here?
> Error(s) in /var/log/squid/cache.log: 2018/10/05 11:03:59 kid1| comm_open:
> socket failure: (24) Too many open files
> 2018/10/05 11:03:59 kid1| comm_open: socket failure: (24) Too many open
> files
> 2018/10/05 11:03:59 kid1| comm_open: socket failure: (24) Too many open
> files
> 2018/10/05 11:03:59 kid1| comm_open: socket failure: (24) Too many open
> files
> 2018/10/05 11:03:59 kid1| comm_open: socket failure: (24) Too many open
> files
> 2018/10/05 11:03:59 kid1| comm_open: socket failure: (24) Too many open
> files
> 2018/10/05 11:03:59 kid1| comm_open: socket failure: (24) Too many open
> files
> 2018/10/05 11:03:59 kid1| comm_open: socket failure: (24) Too many open
> files
> 2018/10/05 11:03:59 kid1| comm_open: socket failure: (24) Too many open
> files

What do "cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max" and "cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr" tell you?

> [n*****@squidprod ~]$ free -m
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:         32004      15907      16097        138        295      14132
> -/+ buffers/cache:       1480      30524
> Swap:        24999          0      24999

However that has nothing to do with files or descriptors.

What does domething ike "ulimit -a" or "lsof | wc" tell you?


Angela Merkel arrives at Paris airport.
"Nationality?" asks the immigration officer.
"German," she replies.
"No, just here for a summit conference."

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