On 2020-02-13 9:10 am, Patrícia Sousa wrote:

I'm using the squid proxy and I'm trying to block some connections (incoming and outcoming traffic) from a certain ip address. However, for example, if I deny all the connections (http_access deny all) it only blocks the connections that I made to websites for example, but if I use another PC and try to ssh or wget the PC that owns the proxy squid, it is allowed. How can I block the traffic from and to a specific IP or DNS? It is possible to do this with Squid? If not, what is the best way to do this?
Thank you.

You need two ACL lines: acl BadIPSource src acl BadIPDst dst
You can use srcdomain & dstdomain instead of src & dst to use domain
instead of IP.
Rules are processed in order, if you are specifically wanting to block
this domain/IP put it first. Then youur allow lines and finally the deny
all line to block anything you haven't specifically allowed. http_access deny BadIPSource http_access deny BadIPDst [...Youur Allow Lines Here...] http_access deny all
  Dean E. Weimer
squid-users mailing list

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