Hi all,

I'm trying to integrate a Squid Cache version 3.5.20 for 
x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu with a Symantec Protection Engine 8.1 to do virus 
scaning in a reverse proxy setup.
I do send all POST requests to our virus scan engine. But icap integration does 
not work as expected. Squid does send a OPTIONS request to the icap server.
We get a valid answer from Symantec Protection Engine. But squid fails 
afterwards with a parsing exception:

2020/08/26 10:04:54.590| 58,3| HttpMsg.cc(173) parse: HttpMsg::parse: failed to 
find end of headers (eof: 0) in 'ICAP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Wed Aug 26 08:04:54 2020 GMT
Methods: REQMOD
Service: Symantec Protection Engine/
ISTag: "0FF01DDE4872272B6F445AED8643888C"
X-Definition-Info: 20200825.022
Max-Connections: 32
X-Allow-Out: X-Outer-Container-Is-Mime, X-Infection-Found, X-Definition-Info, 
X-Allow-Out: X-Violations-Found
X-Allow-Out: X-SYMANTEC-URL-Definition-Info, X-CAIC-URL-Definition-Info, 
X-SYMANTEC-URLReputation-Definition-Info, X-URL-License, 
Allow: 204
Options-TTL: 3600
Preview: 4
Transfer-Preview: *
X-AV-License: 1
X-URL-License: 1
X-URL-Reputation-License: 1

Does somebody has an idea what's going wrong here? Is this a known squid/icap 

Attached: log, config and tcpdumps from icap server 1 and 2 (squid does connect 
thru a loadbalancer to the icap server)

IPs in the tcpdump:

Squid has IP

ICAP Server has IP:

Relevant Time in squid.log: 2020/08/26 10:04:54 (= 2020/08/26 08:04:54 icap 
server time)

Thanks and kind regards,

Andreas von Euw

Java Dev Support
AXA Group Operations


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Attachment: squid-icap.conf
Description: squid-icap.conf

Attachment: dump.rar
Description: dump.rar

Attachment: squid.log.rar
Description: squid.log.rar

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