I have squid running perfectly fine on centos 7 64 bit with no issuesI want to 
allow certain user ips to access a few sites and block everything else so below 
is the configthe sites are 1) paloaltonetworks.com2) redcloak.secureworks.com
in squid.conf-------------------acl userlist src "/etc/squid/userlist"acl 
sitelist dstdomain "/etc/squid/sitelist"http_access allow userlist sitelist
user list file has the ips-----------
site list file has the 

I see that the first page and some links are working but some do not . also 
there is a huge deny logs in squid access logsappreciate if you can advise me 
on how i can have the above access list so as to have minimum denies when being 
accessed from the above ips

Thanks and Regards


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