On Tuesday 25 May 2021 at 07:51:21, Albretch Mueller wrote:

>  As part of a teaching and learning (TaL)/school software, I need squid:
>  a) to detect one of the connected computers in an internal network
> comprising wirelessly connected and wired computers as the "master"
> (operated by the teacher);

What information is available to Squid in order to "detect" that this is the 
"master" machine?

>  b) when that master reach out to an outside URL, the response should
> be replicated in that master's and all other internal computers; but

What do you mean by "the response should be replicated in ... all other 
internal computers"?

Are you assuming that these computers are already running a browser, and that 
they should suddenly get some (apparently) web server response via Squid and 
display it, even though they did not make any request?

If so, I would say this is impossible - you can't get a computer to show a 
response to a request it did not make.

If I have misunderstood, please explain which this does mean.

>  c) responses to requests originating in the non master ("slave"?)
> ends, return to their corresponding ends;

So, any computer other than the "master" simply makes requests and gets 
standard responses as usual.  Fie.

>  d) at times the master should be able to switch off that replicating
> feature;

What times?  How?  I really think you need to explain this "replicating 
feature" in more detail (and preferably in network terms, from the point of 
view of the software running on the master, and the software running on a non-

>  e) more than one or all computers should be able to play "master";

I repeat my first question - what information is available to Squid in order to 
"detect" that this is the "master" machine?

>  f) all other "slave" should operate in a "transparent proxy" mode;

Are you including SSL in this?

>  g) on a single computer, someone could use different
> browsers/versions to do a-f ...
>  I have seen that partially implemented one way or the other, however
> I need to integrate/manage all parts as part of an integrated whole.

>  So, my questions could be reduced to: which exactly are the
> configuration lines that should be changed in both squid and the
> browsers on the connected computers or the different browsers in the
> same computer?

I think this request is (a) a *lot* more complicated than this, and probably a 
lot more complicated than you think it is, and (b) in parts, impossible.



The difference between theory and practice is that in theory there is no 
difference, whereas in practice there is.

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