On 2021-06-08 22:51, His Shadow wrote:
Greetings. I've been trying to make a patch for squid,

Code changes should be discussed on the squid-dev mailing list.

FWIW, we (Squid devs) have already discussed this functionality change and I have a TODO list entry (far down sadly) of supporting your use-case. The way I think to approach it though is to start with the configuration parser. A simple peek-splice/terminate TLS traffic flow should not need certificates setup by admin.

If you want to pickup that TODO item please contact squid-dev to plan out the actual best approach with the other dev working on Squid crypto code.

Patch submission should be done by submitting a github PR targeted at our repository 'master' branch.

so that it
could read client hello on connect requests and set the SNI without
using ssl_bump, as that requires generating certificates and is too
complicated for my needs.

Should not be too complicated. We have test scripts available that can generate fake cert and CA for the *_port config settings. Or snakeoil certs can be used.

Apart from the port settings what your patch does is just this:

 acl blocklist dstdomain ...

 ssl_bump peek all
 ssl_bump splice blocklist
 ssl_bump terminate all

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