On 2021-07-13 05:59, Vincent Tamet wrote:

I would like to know how to deactivate the "?" refresh_pattern filter

There is no such filter. So "deactivate" has no meaning.

refresh_pattern is a directive that provides default values for the caching Freshness heuristics defined by RFC 7234. For messages without a necessary cache-control or related header value.

(As most web pages nowaday should use cache-control or expire, I guess
the correct usage of headers should be enough to permit us to cache
requests with "?" !?

Yes. URLs containing '?query-string' are cached by Squid with the default squid.conf refresh_pattern settings.

The refresh_pattern line you noticed is to cope with servers that are very old and/or broken. You can remove it, but any of your clients visiting such a server will see the brokenness and probably blame Squid because "it works fine with just Browser X".

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