On 10/23/22 20:36, Matthew H wrote:

I'm using Squid to proxy HTTP requests to another proxy. I can see squid sending the request to the parent and getting a response, but it sends the client that initiated the request a 502 Bad Gateway response.

On closer inspection it appears the parent proxy is sending an empty transfer-encoding header, and this is causing Squid to send a 502.

Do you know whether the response body was using chunked (or any other non-identity) encoding? I have already added your case to the list of known rejected responses[1], but it would be good to update that with the information on the actual response encoding.

[1] https://github.com/squid-cache/squid/pull/702#issuecomment-762459132

If the very first bytes of the response are "<html" or similar, then no encoding was probably applied. If you see what can be interpreted as a small hex number followed by a new line, then chunked encoding was probably applied (at least). If you cannot tell, or are not sure, feel free to share the response packet in libpcap format, captured with wireshark or "tcpdump -s0".

Thank you,


2022/10/24 00:23:59.106| ctx: enter level  0: 'http://nintendo.com/ <http://nintendo.com/>' 2022/10/24 00:23:59.106| 11,3| http.cc(666) processReplyHeader: processReplyHeader: key '19010000000000000C00000000000000' 2022/10/24 00:23:59.106| 11,2| http.cc(720) processReplyHeader: HTTP Server conn294 local= <> remote= <> FIRSTUP_PARENT FD 26 flags=1 2022/10/24 00:23:59.106| 11,2| http.cc(721) processReplyHeader: HTTP Server RESPONSE:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-powered-by: Express
content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
date: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 00:23:57 GMT
connection: close

2022/10/24 00:23:59.106| 55,3| HttpHeader.cc(882) getList: empty list header: Transfer-Encoding(Transfer-Encoding[63]) 2022/10/24 00:23:59.106| 55,2| HttpHeader.cc(559) parse: WARNING: unsupported Transfer-Encoding used by client:
2022/10/24 00:23:59.106| ctx: exit level  0
2022/10/24 00:23:59.106| 20,3| store.cc(1673) reset: http://nintendo.com/ <http://nintendo.com/> 2022/10/24 00:23:59.107| 17,3| FwdState.cc(492) fail: ERR_INVALID_RESP "Bad Gateway"
http://nintendo.com/ <http://nintendo.com/>
2022/10/24 00:23:59.107| 17,3| FwdState.cc(533) unregister: http://nintendo.com/ <http://nintendo.com/>

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