I have a reverse proxy that that does the following:

acl example_www url_regex -i ^https?:\/\/example-www?.example.com.*
http_access allow internal_IPs example_www
deny_info https://other-www.other.com%R example_www
http_access deny example_www

When a tool or a browser goes to http://example-www.example.com it immediately 
sends them to https://other-www.other.com as expected.

When a tool or a browser goes to https://example-www.example.com it brings up 
in chrome the Your connection is not private page and when you hit Advanced and 
hit the allow to proceed it is then redirected to the site.

This is causing us come compliance issues due to the tool thinking we are 
running a non-compliant https page since user interaction is required to get to 
the other page.

Is there a way to send to the other page earlier so the tool or user doesn't 
even see the Your connection is not private page?  I just want to only aloow 
the internal IPs and cut everyone else off.

I've tried taking out the deny_info, but that sends the user and tool to a 
squid error page which basically fails the test as well since it's on the same 
I've also tried doing a TCP_RESET instead, but for some reason the squid 
actually send the word reset back to the client the first time and again would 
fail the test. 
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