Hi Alex,

Thanks for your answer. Too bad that squid can't do what I want.

Can you think of another way of doing this, or do you know of another tool that can?



On 12/04/2023 15:55, Alex Rousskov wrote:
On 4/12/23 07:48, Tony Albers wrote:

What I want to do is "hide" an application behind squid, so that the application receives http traffic, and sends http traffic. This traffic then goes through squid in both directions, so that squid receives https on the external IP and forwards it to the application which is listening on the loopback interface, and squid receives outgoing traffic from the application on the loopback interface and then sends it out over the external IP with https.

Kinda like so:
Incoming: exthost1(HTTPS)->thishostname:443-> squid ->>

Outgoing:>> squid

when I use squid as outgoing proxy, the server in the other end( says that squid doesn't present a client certificate
and drops the connection.

It looks like you are trying to force Squid to encrypt traffic by using tls_outgoing_options. Squid cannot be forced to encrypt. Squid encrypts if it needs to communicate with a TLS origin server or cache_peer and does not encrypt otherwise. The tls_outgoing_options directive is consulted _if_ Squid encrypts; it cannot _force_ encryption.

There are two primary use cases where Squid should encrypt traffic on behalf of an HTTP application:

1. The application, when configured to use a proxy at http_port, sends Squid HTTP requests that have an "https" URL scheme. This is often referred to as "GET https" use case. Very few applications (i.e. HTTP user agents) do that, unfortunately.

2. The application, when configured to use a proxy at http_port, sends Squid HTTP requests that have an "http" URL scheme, and Squid is configured to forward those HTTP requests to one (or a few) cache_peers, each configured with "tls" and "originserver" options. This use case is applicable only if the application communicates with a few origin servers, and you know all those origin servers in advance (so that you can create a matching cache_peer configuration for each of them).

If your use case is #2, then you need to adjust your cache_peer directive to make that cache_peer a TLS peer (with appropriate client certificates).

N.B. Your http_access rules may benefit from a refactoring that makes each rule specific to the listening port that needs access protection. For example, do not allow exthost traffic on http_port... Similar "everything everywhere" problem may exist for your cache_peer access rules: Those rules should deny peering for traffic received on https_port AFAICT.



I have the application running in a container on the host.
On the same host I also have squid installed.

The application listens on on HOST
Squid is set up as a reverse proxy, listening to https on the external if on HOST:443 and forwards everything as http to
(this works fine)

When the application then transmits something via http, it uses localhost:8080 as proxy, where squid picks it up and then forwards it as https.
(this doesn't work)

At least that#s what I want it to do..

However, when I use squid as outgoing proxy, the server in the other end( says that squid doesn't present a client certificate and drops the connection.

But I got the impression that tls_outgoing_options is for exactly that.. Have I misunderstood something?

My squid config looks like this:

# prefer DNS over IPv4
dns_v4_first on

# define hosts/networks that we use
acl exthost src
acl inthosts src
acl internal src

# access lists
http_access allow exthost
http_access allow inthosts
http_access allow internal

# reverse SSL proxy converting to noSSL
https_port accel
cache_peer parent 1080 0 no-query proxy-only originserver name=thishostname

# forward proxy converting to SSL
acl extnet dstdomain -n .somedomain.dk
acl extip dstdomain
acl intip dstdomain -n .someotherdomain.dk
url_rewrite_program /etc/squid/urlrewrite.py
tls_outgoing_options cert=/etc/squid/certs/thishostname.crt
tls_outgoing_options key=/etc/squid/keys/thishostname-privkey.pem
tls_outgoing_options cafile=/etc/squid/certs/thishostnameCA.pem
tls_outgoing_options capath=/etc/ssl/certs
tls_outgoing_options domain=somedomain.dk
never_direct deny extnet
never_direct deny extip
never_direct allow all

cache_peer_access thishostname allow exthosts
cache_peer_access thishostname allow inthosts
cache_peer_access thishostname allow internal
cache_peer_access thishostname deny all

# disable local caching
cache deny all

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