On 7/10/23 2:36 PM, Francesco Chemolli wrote:
Hi Robert,

Hi Francesco,

in my understanding that configuration turns Squid into a Socks client. Outbound squid connections will then be proxied through a socks proxy.

According to "this page" [1] linked from the "How to enable SOCKS5 for Squid Proxy?" page [2] that Rob linked to, this seems like it is both client /and/ server support.


Squid handles many HTTP related protocols. But presently is unable to natively accept or send HTTP connections over SOCKS.

The aim of this project will be to make http_port accept SOCKS connections and make outgoing connections to SOCKS cache_peers so that Squid can send requests easily through to SOCKS gateways or act as an HTTP SOCKS gateway itself.

Particularly germane are "accept ... HTTP connections over SOCKS", "make http_port accept SOCKS connections", and "act as an HTTP SOCKS gateway itself".

There might be a point, in some use cases, but I agree it's a stretch.
For instance it could help if there's a need to log URLs being accessed, which socks by itself can' tdo; it might also work as a TLS interception proxy which then needs to access some tightly-controlled network segment.

I can see a modicum of value in making Squid be a SOCKS client -- via something more graceful than an LD_PRELOAD. I suspect that I'd turn to a different SOCKS daemon before I'd turn to Squid as such. Dante comes to mind.

I can see a LOT of value in SOCKS proxy support. Especially authenticated access to the SOCKS proxy. Even more so if you communicate with the proxy over encrypted channels

In some ways a SOCKS proxy acts sort of like a remote TCP/IP client / stack. Combine this functionality with authentication and I can easily allow controlled remote access into a segregated network and know which authenticated user did what. Much like a VPN, but at the application level.

At a former job we used a lot of SOCKS servers. We would have a pair (for redundancy) of SOCKS servers co-located at client networks and required authentication of our employees to be able to utilize said SOCKS servers. This configuration made it relatively trivial to our employees change which SOCKS server they were using to switch between the client they were doing administration work for.

One of the biggest advantages that I saw with SOCKS was the VPN like connectivity, which required authentication, and the ability to filter each packet / connection completely independently of the underlying transport between the employee and the SOCKS server(s).

What's more is that the SOCKS servers appeared as if they were on the client's network. Thus the, and the remote employees using them, could access things on the client's network without any routing changes to the client's network.

Think of it sort of like a remote extension of a network in a manner that's completely divorced from the underlying network topology / transport between clients and the SOCKS server.

This complete separation also means that things that aren't expressly configured to use the SOCKS server can't accidentally be routed through the SOCKS server. So when there is a security incident on the network, it will be much better isolated to one side of the SOCKS server than if it were a more traditional routed VPN type connection.

I can definitely see value in enabling Squid to be a SOCKS client to be able to utilize / benefit from the perks that SOCKS servers can offer.

I see less value in having Squid be a SOCKS server.

That being said, I wonder how closely related SOCKS server functionality and WebSocket support provide. Perhaps SOCKS can be another side door into code needed to support WebSocket.

[1] Feature: SOCKS Support - http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/Socks

[2] How to enable SOCKS5 for Squid proxy? - https://serverfault.com/questions/820578/how-to-enable-socks5-for-squid-proxy#820612

Grant. . . .
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