
My project makes user-initiated requests to a selection of HTTPS API,  I'm 
using squid 5.7 as a forward proxy with SSL bumping to aggressively cache 
results, and it's working great for that.

One of the API (let's call it 'foobar.org') has a strict 1 request per second 
limit. I would like to throttle outbound requests from my server using squid.*

I've written a simple external ACL program (rate_limit.py) that works as a 
throttle, and I've hooked it up like this in my config:

acl delayhosts dstdomain foobar.org

external_acl_type rate1 ttl=0 children-max=1 children-startup=1 %ACL \
acl 1ps external rate1

acl putdelay annotate_transaction needs_delay=1
acl checkdelay all-of !CONNECT delayhosts putdelay
acl getdelay note needs_delay
acl dodelay all-of getdelay 1ps

# dodelay can and should move somewhere after the cache check
http_access allow checkdelay dodelay

This is almost what I'm looking for.**  The problem is that the delay happens 
before the cache check, so I'm needlesslly throttling requests that I can serve 

I can't find any hook post-cache-check that will accept a slow ACL.  Does such 
a thing exist in squid?



* Yes, perhaps this would be simpler with iptables.  I'm not currently using 
iptables in this project, I'm not terribly familiar with it, and everything 
else works happily unprivileged, so even a slightly kludgy solution in squid 
would be preferable (at this stage, at least) than learning, configuring, 
monitoring, and debugging another component.

** And yes, better than iptables rn

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