On 16/02/24 15:30, Eternal Dreamer wrote:
When I'm trying to send curl request with provided basic proxy-authorization credentials through my proxy I see Segment Violation error in my logs and empty reply from server. Command is: curl -v --proxy-basic --proxy-user login:password --proxy <> https://google.com <http://google.com>

In squid.conf I have 3 directives:

http_access allow some_acl
http_access allow some_acl some_acl_user_auth some_special_domain http_all_port http_all_proto http_access allow some_acl some_acl_user_auth some_special_domain CONNECT https_port

If I comment first one authorization works fine and it looks good.

Authorize or Authenticate?

Different things and you are mixing them up in these rules.

But with all lines I even can't authorize to special domains without Segment Violation error.

The issue is likely somewhere else in what you have configured Squid to do. The initial "allow some_acl" line *authorizes* access, without *authenticating*. Resulting in there being no credentials for anything that Squid needs to do later.

If it helps this arrangement is clearer and does almost the same thing:

 http_access allow some_acl
 http_access deny !some_special_domain
 http_access deny !some_acl_user_auth
 http_access allow CONNECT https_port
 http_access allow http_all_port http_all_proto

I've tried to use different versions of squid from 3.5 to 7.0.
Squid before v5.0.1 ignores Proxy-Authorization header when it's not needed and works fine with this configuration.

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