
We are using squid for caching, with SCSI disk and 512 MB RAM.  The
cache_mem setting in squid.conf is 64 MB. After running for several
hours total free RAM (as seen by top command) reduces to few kilobytes
and server response time increases (CPU idle cycles also go to zero),
and we need to reboot the server. Though as percentage of total CPU
usage squid is usually taking around 15-30%CPU and percentage of RAM as
12-15%MEM . After rebooting the server would again run fine for several
hours say half a day, and then RAM would gradually get consumed again.

It is Linux 7.1 , Kernel 2.4.2-2 on i686  (PII 350 Mhz), squid version
2.3.stable4.  Server also has other services like DNS/qmail but they
take negligible CPU/RAM

Any suggestions are welcome.


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