For Squid-2.5 and later, running "ulimit -HSn XXXX" both before you run
configure AND before you start Squid should be sufficient.

See also


Niti Lohwithee wrote:
> Dear ALL,
>                 I have plan to build new proxy using squid2.5 with Redhat 7.2 
>(kernel 2.4.7-10). There are 3,000 user to access the new box. I â?~am not sure about 
>file descriptor setting on squid2.5.
> (1) If I use squid 2.5 I still setting file descriptor or not ?
> (2) If (1) is required . ulimit -HSn ##### should be ?
> (3) What is another setting about it?
> Anyone recommend me â~º
> Regards and Thanks
> Niti : )

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