Two questions:

1. What is your refresh_pattern settings?

2. What is the full headers returend by your server?

Just tested this with Squid-2.5 and a reply with only a Date header and
some content is cached if your refresh_pattern says it should be.

Note: The default refresh_pattern settings does not cache such replies
for the reasons indicated before.


alp wrote:
> sorry, i misunderstood your first reply.
> BUT:
> i have a site test.php (without any php-code, just for testing the suffix)
> on an apache server.
> it sends this site only with the DATE-header. no lastmod, no expires. it
> also does not mark the object as not cacheable.
> so the refresh-pattern IS used, as you say.
> so, first call:
> echo -e "GET /test.php HTTP/1.0\nHost:myhost\n\n" | netcat squidserver 80
> gives the file together with the above header (date)
> second call:
> echo -e "GET /test.php
> HTTP/1.0\nHost:myhost\ncache-control:only-if-cached\n\n" | netcat
> squidserver 80
> it says: object is not in cache.
> ???
> doing the same with a file test.html i see the lastmod header and it is of
> course cached.
> i still seem to miss some important point in understanding this, i guess.
> but for me it seems as if the refresh-pattern is not used.

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