Hmm.. the store.log entry you posted conflicts with your findings..

20% of (1046563848 - 993686750 seconds) says that the object should be 
considered fresh for 122 days if it was not for the upper limit of 1 

Also, as you are not using override-lastmod the min value is not even 
used on this object as it has a known last-modified date (Thu Jun 28 
00:05:50 2001 GMT).

For objects not having a known last-modified date setting the min age 
will help a lot.

the reload options will help if your browser is explicitly telling the 
cache that it wants a fresh copy. To see if this is the case enable 
log_mime_hdrs and examine the request headers sent to Squid by your 

One thing to remember is that TCP_MISS/304 is quite normal when 
testing a new fresh cache. To get rid if this remember to clear your 
browser cache before testing a fresh proxy cache (including 
accelerators). In real life the situation will clear up automatically 
after a while as soon as there clients who do not have the objects 
cached locally.


On Monday 03 March 2003 05.02, Hugh Buchanan wrote:
> I tried doing this as a test:
> refresh_pattern         .               0       20%     4320
> override-expire reload-into-ims ignore-reload
> And then:
> refresh_pattern         .               60       20%     4320
> override-expire reload-into-ims ignore-reload
> Only with this last option will it cache anything.  I am not doing
> a forced reload (shift-reload), but my browser is set to check for
> a new version on each load.
> I don't want to force it to cache though.. shouldn't this be
> working differently?
> Hugh
> Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> >On Sunday 02 March 2003 02.36, Hugh Buchanan wrote:
> >>Basically, nothing is getting cached.  Everything gets reported
> >> as a TCP_MISS/200 in the access log.  Nothing is getting written
> >> to the cache.log.  My store.log reports info like this:
> >>
> >>1046563848.097 RELEASE 00000035  200 1046563706 993686750       
> >> -1 image/gif 525/525 GET
> >> 1046563848.097
> >>SWAPOUT 00000044  200 1046563848 993686750        -1 image/gif
> >>525/525 GET
> >
> >This tells that the previous object was considered stale, and a
> > fresh copy was retrieved.
> >
> >As there is a identical last-modified timestamp this most likely
> > is a forced reload by the client.
> >
> >If unsure enable log_mime_hdrs and compare two requests for the
> > same object which you think should have been cached..
> >
> >
> >You probably want to play a little with the
> >ignore_reload/reload_into_ims and refresh_pattern settings to tune
> >the caching of your accelerator.
> >
> >
> >Regards
> >Henrik

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