mån 2003-03-24 klockan 11.07 skrev Pragati Dahisarkar:
> Dear Everyone,
> I have a simple question that I do not know
> the answer to. What I was wondering is it possible to
> limit the download size via the cache to say
> 10MB during 9am to 5pm Monday - Friday (or just 9am -
> 5pm if the days of the week cannot be set). If so is
> someone willing to let me in on the secret to
> do this.

Yes. See http_reply_max_size directive of Squid-2.5.

> I am running SQUID version squid-2.3.STABLE4-1.

Then upgrade. There is no reason why you should be limited by almost 2
years old software and not take benefit of later developments.

The current Squid version is 2.5.STABLE2 and includes countless number
of improvements and bugfixes relative to the very old 2.3.STABLE4

Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MARA Systems AB, Sweden

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