ons 2003-03-26 klockan 07.45 skrev atit jariwala:

> i want to get better performance in terms of good response time to user
> accessing cache
> for that
> does all_median_svc_time be high/low?
> does hit_median_svc_time be high/low?
> does miss_median_svc_time be high/low?

You always want service times low.

> and i think ( not sure) that all_median_svc_time is avg svc_time derived
> from other 4 svc_times
> am i making sense?

The "all" case is measured separately, measured on all requests.

It is the median service time of all requests seen by Squid,
irregardless if the response was a hit/miss/...

Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MARA Systems AB, Sweden

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