Works here using very similar scripts..

Note: Upgrade to Squid-2.5 is recommended.


ons 2003-03-26 klockan 11.16 skrev Ramzi S. Abdallah:
> Hi all,
> I need some help in configuring squid to authenticate users using an
> external authentication program. I wrote a simple perl script that
> authenticate users against a MySQL database but does not seem to be
> working properly. What's happening is that squid keeps rejecting the
> username and password and access gets denied. At first I thought that
> the perl script is not functioning properly so I replaced it with this
> simple script that always return "OK" as a result but still not working.
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> $|=1;
> while (<STDIN>) {
>   chomp;
>   my @login = split(/ /);
>   print "OK\n";
> }
> Following is my squid.conf config that relates to authentication:
> authenticate_program /etc/squid/scripts/authsql
> acl pass proxy_auth REQUIRED
> acl rocks_admin src
> acl auburn_edu  src
> http_access allow rocks_admin
> http_access allow auburn_edu
> http_access allow pass
> Thank you for any help
> Ramzi
Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MARA Systems AB, Sweden

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