Hi all,
I've been running squid configured to use pam_auth for a while now in conjunction with an ldap authentication (pam) module which works fine.

For local reasons I'd like the pam auth procedure to also authenticate against a radius server I've got.

So ....

I downloaded and compiled a pam_radius_auth module version 1.3.15 from ftp.freeradius.org and replaced my /etc/pam.d/squid file with one containing
auth sufficient /lib/security/pam_radius_auth.so debug

Connecting to my squid server from a browser gives me a login dialog box. I type in a test userid and pasword
and I can see the radius server saying they are valid - but the cache keeps passing me back a prompt to enter my uid and password

Is anyone else running a pam based radius authentication module against squid?

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