
I'm searching for a software load balancer for HTTP servers.

We have two web servers in Germany and two in the USA for german content. For US/english content there are two web servers in the USA and two in Germany. The setup is similar, so I'll concentrate to a single case.

Requests should get dynamically balanced to the two german web servers. If one fails, the second gets each and every request. If both fail, users will be served by the US servers using HTTP redirects or reverse proxying.

   german load balancer  <--->  US load balancer
            |                          |
            |                          |
         firewall                   firewall
        /        \                 /        \
       /          \               /          \
     www1         www2          www3         www4

(The load balancer never fail ;-))

Steps to a solution:
http://devel.squid-cache.org/rproxy/ seems to be a good starting point. What it's state? Can Squid-2.5-STABLE2 be used for this setup? Is Squid-3.0-DEV geared towards these requirements? http://www.squid-cache.org/mail-archive/squid-dev/200010/0321.html has a nice patch for 2.3-STABLE4, but how far has development gone?


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