
At 23.30 22/06/2003, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

On Sunday 22 June 2003 22.53, Andrius Kriučkovas wrote:

> I believe that. I would go for Linux, but its HW in my case
> is too limited.

From your description it should be a software error of some kind.
Squid should not behave like this, even if running on NT..

Will have to check with Guido if there is any NT Port modifications
which could modify the behavior of delay pools. There might be as the
I/O on NT is slightly different than UNIX.

I have just reviewed all received problem reports about the NT port, and I have found an another old similar problem regarding the PRE 13 build. In this report the user says that with the 2.3 STABLE 5 for Windows all works fine, the very strange thing was that I can't reproduce the problem on my development system.

So, I will try again to reproduce the Andrius's environment, but at this time I'm very busy and I think that I can't make this work before August.

Henrik: I'm suspecting that it's a Windows specific problem, so what about temporary retire the Windows binaries compiled with Delay Pools enabled ?




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