On Monday 30 June 2003 16.10, Adam Aube wrote:

> I didn't mean turn off the cache completely - just stop caching
> transparently. Configure the browsers to directly use the cache.
> The IE bug only affects transparent caching.

Minor technical note:

The bug is not with IE, the bug is transparent caching.

Transparently interception of TCP sessions violates the IP protocol, 
and as a by-product it changes the semantics of HTTP beyond any 
official specifications causing cracks to open in the specification 
allowing issues like the IE refresh issue to show up. It should be 
expected that issues like the IE refresh problem can show up in 
"transparent proxies" as transparently intercepting proxies are 
operating outside any official specifications for how proxies and 
browsers should interact.

As there is many ISP:s and corporations using transparently 
intercepting caches Microsoft kindly extended their browser in later 
versions to not make assumptions about HTTP cache control 
requirements when not configured to use a proxy, scarifying network 
efficiency slightly to work around "illegal" solutions.


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