To get more useful information i suggest you cahnge the log file format from 
the squid native log to common apache/http log.
You can do this by setting the option "emulate_httpd_log on" in squid.conf.
This log format will include information like userid (if user go thru 
authentication), connection time, url accessed,etc.
To create log on a daily basis, you can set the option "logfile_rotate `number 
of rotation' ". Schedule the command "squid -k rotate" daily to create the 
daily log.
Hope this can help.

On Thursday 03 July 2003 11:19 am, glen hyland wrote:
> My company has a client that is insterested in a proxy
> server, and has us a few questions. But I am a bit
> confused on a definitive answer.
> The questions are:
> Does it track the hours that users are on the
> internet?
> Does it track the sites that users go to?
> Does it create a log at the end of that month so that
> they can see all of this information?
> Does it block Instant messenger applications?
> Now my first thoughts are yes to all, but I dont want
> to sound like a fool if I am wrong on the hours bit. I
> know it can block IM's, and creates the logs tracking
> users(would be using NTLM), but would rather set it up
> so they can get daily logs. A bit easier looking up a
> daily smaller log, than a great big one at the end of
> the month.
> But as far as logging hours? I dont see it in the
> access.log when I look at mine. I can see what user
> tried to get to what site. But is there a way to track
> hours?? I havent spoken to the client, just our
> salesman. So I am kinda wondering what they mean. I am
> very new to squid, and have my ntlm box running great.
> and am now just playing with more of the options in
> squid.
> But as far as those four question go, I am unsure the
> exact answer. so if anyone can tell me if I am wrong
> about, just let me know
> The salesman was good though, and didnt tell them that
> it can do it. This was just there main concern. I dont
> even want to know if they need filtering and
> dansguardian yet. I am still working on getting that
> to work.
> Hopefully I'll get that going with ldap.
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