> Are you running Squid as a transparent proxy? If so, try using it as a
> normal proxy and disable the interception rules in your firewall.
> Regards
> Henrik
> --
> Donations welcome if you consider my Free Squid support helpful.
> https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=hno%40squid-cache.org
> Please consult the Squid FAQ and other available documentation before
> asking Squid questions, and use the squid-users mailing-list when no
> answer can be found. Private support questions is only answered
> for a fee or as part of a commercial Squid support contract.
> If you need commercial Squid support or cost effective Squid and
> firewall appliances please refer to MARA Systems AB, Sweden
> http://www.marasystems.com/, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for your reply, Henrik. I've tried that and it now works OK if I run
as a normal proxy without using the firewall interception.

Out of interest, do you know why this was happening? Is it a common fault?



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