tis 2003-07-15 klockan 14.05 skrev Adam Aube:

> It depends on the class of delay pool you use. Class 1 will
> allocate unused bandwidth to other users; class 2 and 3 will
> not.

Not quite.

What happens is that the users are constrained by all the constraints
set for a pool.

  Global limit  (class 1,2,3)
  Network limit (class 3)
  User limit    (class 2,3)

When multiple users are contenting for a higher level limit (network or
global) Squid attempts to distribute the available bandwidth of that
level more or less evenly among the users who demand it. As a
consequence having significantly larger bucket sizes than the refill
rate mostly makes sense on user buckets. So if you have a network limit
of 30KBps and a user limit of 8Kbps then no user will be able to get
more than 8KBps and each network will not be able to get more than
30KBps. If there is a demand for more than 30KBps in total from the same
network then the available bandwidth (30KBps) will be distributed among
the users who demand the bandwidth.

There is no communication between the pools, meaning that if you create
two pool settings then the total amount of bandwidth Squid may attempt
to use is the sum of both pools, depending on user distribution among
the pools.


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