Squid3 (latest download) accel does indeed allow sequential 
username/password authentication with OWA when the same username/passwords 
are used, however, I had to do two additional things.

1. Change the accel realm to the realm that OWA is in (NT Network).

    auth_param digest realm 'user_nt_realm'

2. Add cache_peer option to forward credentials (login=PASS)
    cache_peer #.#.#.# parent 80 0 no-query originserver
        name=owa.server.tld login=PASS

I still get a second popup asking for username and password but I think the 
login=PASS forwards the realm because now it works and without it it didn't.

SSL to the accel works with http://accel.server.tld:443/exchange but does 
not work with https://accel.server.tld/exchange with the following:

cache_peer #.#.#.# parent 80 0 no-query originserver front-end-https=auto

log errors produced indicate a header problem:

2003/07/30 23:11:27| parseHttpRequest: Requestheader contains NULL characters
2003/07/30 23:11:27| clientParseRequestMethod: Unsupported method 'L'
2003/07/30 23:11:27| clientProcessRequest: Invalid Request

Is there something that I can do so that https:// will work, as well?


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