On Thursday 31 July 2003 15.59, Sergio Chaves wrote:
> Hi everybody.
> We installed squid 2.5 a few months ago and we are in need of help.
> Using Perl, I am trying to determine the time a user spent per site
> visited by parsing access.log.
> For example: This particular user had 12 "hits" on the same site.
> <1st line> 1059393881.234    104 <ourserverIP> TCP_REFRESH_HIT/304
> 296 GET
> http://cdn.netscape.com/wpt_tonr_03/200304221104_db_h1_i1_1_0
> <user> DIRECT/ -
> <10more lines in between>
> <last line> 1059393881.453     99 <ourserverIP> TCP_REFRESH_HIT/304
> 296 GET http://cdn.netscape.com/wpton_03/dot_d2c9ab <user>
> My questions are :
> 1 - Is the elapsed time - 104 (first line) - the amount of time the
> user spent when connected or, is it just the time taken to
> establish the connection?

It is the amount of milliseconds it took to deliver that request to 
the user.

HTTP is stateless. There is no sessions. The user just sends a request 
for a object and receives the object back to be used as pleased by 
the browser.

> 2 - For this purpose,  is it better/more accurate to use the
> timestamps - 1059393881.234  (line one) - and go from there?

This is what you have to use.

> 3 - Some of the "hits" - same http - do not contain the user (want
> to parse using username) in it. Why? I read the FAQ about the
> rfc931 but what puzzles is that when the user is visiting the same
> site, squid sometimes does not record username; ident_lookups is
> on.

Because Squid does not wait for the ident lookup to complete unless it 
has to by your access controls.

Cache hits are usually very fast, and the request is very often 
finished before the ident lookup has completed.

> 4 - Is there a way to have the individual<workstationIP> logged as
> the client request ip instead of <ourserverIP>?


The Squid logs always have the individual client IP.

To the rest of the worls your Squid is the client, per the nature of 
being a proxy.


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