Hi Diego,

The problem sounds like the issue that I have.  Check this link (look
for the info about automatic proxy result caching):


Sounds to me it's a problem where IE is caching the result.  If you
already had it enabled prior to implementing the proxy, I haven't found
any easy way around it.  If you hadn't had it enabled, everything should
work fine.

I used my personal laptop for a while between work and home, on two
separate networks using DHCP to set my IP addresses and such.  What I
found was that once I was able to successfully connect to the Internet
from home with those settings, and then bring it back to work, it
detected the proxy just fine.  But, prior to that when I was just
testing it strictly on the work network (and also with other computers),
it simply wouldn't cooperate.

Leave it to Microsoft to try to make things more efficient, but give
others migraines in the process.

Hope that helps, what little it may.


-----Original Message-----
From: Diego Rivera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 9:31 AM
To: Henrik Nordstrom
Subject: RE: [squid-users] IE5/Win2k/WPAD not working

I'm not using DHCP, so rather than fallback they should become the
primary mechanisms, right?

Anyway, I'll be sure to add the parameter to DHCP just in case (even
though it's not being used!).

On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 07:15, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> fre 2003-08-01 klockan 14.49 skrev Adam Aube:
> The other mechanisms (DNS by network, followed by DNS by domain) is
> fallback mechanisms if no WPAD information was provided by DHCP.

That's exactly my point: DHCP is not being used and not providing the
info, so it should go to failback mechanisms.  But it's  not even trying
to use the failback mechanisms: packet sniffs confirm that no attempt is
made to resolve wpad.mydomain.com, http logs confirm that no attempt is
made to retrieve http://wpad/wpad.dat, which is what is documented!

Anyway, thanks for your help, and does anyone have any other
suggestions?  The reason this needs to work is because some road
warriors use laptops which need proxy while on-site, but don't use it
(proxy) while off-site (thus, the auto-detect setting is crucial to keep
them from having to change configurations).


* Diego Rivera                                            *
*                                                         *
* "The Disease: Windows, the cure: Linux"                 *
*                                                         *
* E-mail: lrivera<AT>racsa<DOT>co<DOT>cr                  *
* Replace: <AT>='@', <DOT>='.'                            *
*                                                         *
* GPG: BE59 5469 C696 C80D FF5C  5926 0B36 F8FF DA98 62AD *
* GPG Public Key avaliable at: http://pgp.mit.edu         *

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