Hello all , 
Thanks Henrik for the post

I now tried to make a new functionnal and minimal squid.conf from 0

i put this on :

visible_hostname proxy_hostname

https_port ip_proxy:443 accel cert=s.crt key=s.key

acl all src

acl https proto https

cache_peer ip_server_web parent 443 0 no-query originserver ssl

cache_peer_access ip_web_server allow https

never_direct allow all

and the i got an , after keys exchange , an access denied to

thx for help


On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 09:43, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> On Saturday 09 August 2003 04.54, Imad Soltani wrote:
> > https_port 443 cert=x.crt key=x.key defaultsite=sww.webbox.com
> defaultsite here should in most cases be the externally visible domain 
> name the user is supposed to be using in their browser.
> > The error say that squid is enable to forward the request at this
> > time
> You are missing a cache_peer definition telling Squid where and how to 
> send the request.
> Regards
> Henrik

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