> There is a know problem in SquidNT: sometimes the UDP communication
> squid.exe and pinger.exe fails to signal the shutdown to the helper and 
> pinger.exe don't exit.
> The effect is that there are 2 pinger.exe running process and logfiles can

> be locked from the orphaned process. Killing the orphan pinger.exe fix the

> problem.
> This should not happens during storeDirWriteCleanLogs.
> If You don't need the icmp support, simply put in your squid.conf 
> the  'pinger_program none' option.

I added the line pinger_program none.
Well....unfortunaltey I still get file access errors :(

2003/08/11 11:57:47|    458752 entries written so far.
2003/08/11 11:57:47| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: unlinkd failed: (13) Permission
denied, e:/cache/swap.state
2003/08/11 11:57:47| xrename: Cannot rename e:/cache/swap.state.clean to
e:/cache/swap.state: (17) File exists
2003/08/11 11:57:48|   Finished.  Wrote 476694 entries.
2003/08/11 11:57:48|   Took 1.9 seconds (252085.7 entries/sec).
FATAL: logfileWrite: c:/squid/log/access.log: (13) Permission denied

2003/08/11 12:04:12|   Took 0.9 seconds (535016.8 entries/sec).
FATAL: logfileWrite: c:/squid/log/store.log: (13) Permission denied


Markus Wagner

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