Ladies and Gents,

I am recieveing a Connection Failed: (101) Network Unreachable error after i
successfully authenticate vs AD. 

If i dig from the server to a website i recieve a positive response. 

If i ping a network IP i get a pisitive repsonse. I have bound Squid to eth1
and when i do a port scan i see that the service is running. 

I have set a static IP address in the
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 file for eth1. 

I have checked my /etc/resolv.conf file for the correct DNS servers.

I have pinged the Squid server from a M$ box and recieved favorable

What have i overlooked? 

David Johnson | Network Administrator |
Hampton University | Hampton, VA | 23669 |
office 757.728.6528 | fax 757.727.5438

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