On Wednesday 27 August 2003 02.33, Emannuel Silva wrote:
> Sorry, Had only a power nap today. Its written "never_direct allow
> all" in my file, I did the mistake when I pasted it in here.
> Everything seens OK, I just dont get why its still bypassing my
> parent proxy!

I would suggest you try again.. this works just fine for many others.

If your never_direct configuration is correct, then Squid will give 
you an error if it cannot forward the request. It will never go 
direct if never_direct is in effect (exception: if always_direct is 
in effect then it will always go direct irregardless of the 
never_direct setting).

It might also be worth trying to upgrade to a more current Squid 
version, but I do not recall any bugs related to this in the 
Squid-2.5 series.. but please see 
http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v2/2.5/bugs/ just in case..


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