On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 00:07, jerome aubert wrote:
> Hi,
> I setup Squid with cygwin on Windows NT4 SP6a server.
> Squid is OK if I start it on cygwin console with the command line :
> $ squid &
> I install SquidNT as a windows NT service with this command line :
> $ squid -i -f $SQUID_CONFetc -n SquidNT
> and the result seems to be good with the output on console.
> But when I try to start the service with the applet from "control panel"
> I've got an error 1067.
> There is nothing in the event log.
> Someone has an idea ?

What build are you using of squid - where did you get it? (There are
several different windows builds...)

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