On Thu, 18 Sep 2003, Joao Coutinho wrote:

> >Statistics based on 10 minutes of access.log during peak usage gives a
> >quite good figure.
> How to get those statistics?

Grab 10 minutes of data from access.log

run your preferred log statistics program on the extracted access.log.

> Yes, it is the ntlm helper children. With 1 gb of RAM I think I can increase 
> this number if needed.


I would start with 20 since you are today using 5 and your Squid complains 
a lot. Then use cachemgr to see if this number is sane during peak load 
(the last helper should only be used occationally)

> >A nice server, but total overkill for the job.
> Do you think I could work with only one processor?

Yes, of course it will.

Squid can only use one processor to start with, so unless you are also 
running other CPU intensive operations on the same box the second CPU will 
be virtually unused.


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