any hints about the following problem will be appreciated:

i am newbie to ntlm authentication and i have a problem:
- i configure squid with option

./configure --enable-auth=ntlm --enable-ntlm-auth-helpers

i did not specify any ntlm-auth helpers because i think this will
install all needed helpers, not only the one i specify. It installs
wb_ntlmauth ntlm_auth and others ... under libexec dir.. 

but squid works fine until:

- i add the lines
acl authenticated proxy_auth REQUIRED

http_access allow authenticated

auth_param ntlm program /usr/local/squid/libexec ntlm_auth

auth_param ntlm children 5

auth_param ntlm max_challenge_reuses 0

auth_param ntlm max_challenge_lifetime 2 minutes 

Elm.local is my domain name. and other is controller ip... By the it is
windows 2003 Enterprise edition

i don't know why squid does not work after these lines. i think i make
something wrong about ntlm_auth.  

by the way whic one is better to use. ntlm_auth or wb_ntlmauth?
thanks alot for your help...

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