On Monday 22 September 2003 09:39, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Sep 2003, mauro wrote:
> > I have a "strange" problem...as I try to run the daemon by the command
> > "/sbin/./squid" I have to specify with the -f option the squid.conf path
> > (etc/squid/squid.conf) in order to make things work properly.
> > With no -f option, squid reads an old configuration of squid.conf that I
> > have deleted....is it possible?
> Not possible, but it may be that the binary you have is reading squid.conf
> from another location where a old copy of squid.conf is found. Usually the
> path to squid.conf is either <prefix>/etc/squid.conf, or /etc/squid.conf
> depending on the taste of the system administrator.
> Maybe some hint can be found from "squid -v". This will at least give you
> which prefix your Squid was compiled with.
> Regards
> Henrik

Thank you very much for your help.

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