
I am looking to provide automatic encryption between my browser and my proxy server. I searched Google for pages providing a detailed solution. I found a couple of solutions: moving to version 3 or using Stunnel/SSLProxy. I would prefer not to use version 3 as it is a developmental. So I placed Stunnel on the proxy server with the following configuration:

# Sample stunnel configuration file
# Copyright by Michal Trojnara 2002

# Comment it out on Win32
cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem
#chroot = /usr/var/run/stunnel/
# PID is created inside chroot jail
#pid = /
setuid = root
setgid = root

# Workaround for Eudora bug

# Authentication stuff
verify = default
# don't forget about c_rehash CApath
# it is located inside chroot jail:
#CApath = /certs
# or simply use CAfile instead:
#CAfile = /usr/etc/stunnel/certs.pem

# Some debugging stuff
debug = 7
output = stunnel.log

# Use it for client mode
#client = yes

# Service-level configuration

accept  = 3127
connect = 3128

Stunnel starts fine as does Squid. However when I attempt to connect I receive an alert message stating "Document contains no data". The following error message appears in stunnel.log:

2003.09.25 14:39:53 LOG3[2256:1084423472]: SSL_accept: 1407609C: error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request

Any suggestions, help or points in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Please note I am not necessarily attached to using Stunnel, but would prefer to avoid using Squid 3 if at all possible. I can provide my squid.conf if necessary.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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