On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 17:17, Tay Teck Wee wrote:

> The Total Accounted Memory (seen from cachemgr) always
> shows about 60-70% of the size of the squid process,
> i.e. when squid process is at 500M, Total Accounted
> Memory is about 350M. This ratio is maintained
> throughout the squid process lifetime.
> One thing peculiar is that under Memory usage for
> squid via mallinfo(): the total in use is always 100%.
> From Memory Utilization->In Use->KB column, the top 3
> are:
> StoreEntry 356131
> MD5 digest 118711
> mem_node 65677

Well you've got 356MB of StoreEntries - cache index elements. How much
mem cache and disk cache do you ahve in your configuration?


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