Actually this should not be required.

Can you please open a Squid-3 bug report for this issue.


On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Y Jones wrote:

> Thank you, Henrik, for your help.  I think I now understand what I was doing 
> wrong.
> I had a webserver on port 81 and squid on port 80, like so:
>      http_port 80 vport=81
>      cache_peer parent 81 0 no-query default
> Since port 80 is just forwarding every request not in the cache to port 81, 
> I needed
> to specify an additional port that wasn't an "accelerated" port for use by 
> the
> cache manager.   Everything worked when I added an additional http_port line
> like so:
>      http_port 80 vport=81
>      http_port 3128
>      cache_peer parent 81 0 no-query default
> Thanks again for the assistance.
> >From: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: Y Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [squid-users] cachemgr.cgi just redirects me
> >Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 23:16:17 +0100 (CET)
> >
> >On Fri, 31 Oct 2003, Y Jones wrote:
> >
> > > cmgr: encoding for pub...
> > > cmgr: got req: host: 'localhost' port: 80 uname: '' passwd: '' auth: ''
> > > oper: ''
> > > wrote request: 'GET cache_object://localhost/ HTTP/1.0
> > > Accept: */*
> > >
> > > '
> > > ...and I get to a page that says "Cache Manager menu for localhost:"
> > > and lists all the directories in my root web folder....But I still
> > > don't actually get the cache manager.  Telnetting to
> > > localhost 80 and typing:
> > >      GET cache_object://localhost/ HTTP/1.0
> > > gives me the same.
> >
> >
> >Then localhost:80 is your web server, not Squid.
> >
> >You need to give the address and port of your Squid proxy to cachemgr, not
> >the address and port of your web server (the server where cachemgr runs is
> >already known to cachemgr, what it does not know is which proxy you want
> >to manage)
> >
> >Regards
> >Henrik
> >
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